Saturday, January 25, 2014

Semester Ends, another will begin!

25 January 2014: We have three schemes to exhibit in the Tall Building Studio from the first semester, and they are exhibited on the walls, ready for the students of the next semester.

Here is the Rotterdam Groene Landbouw project, reprinted in 20 sheets of A4.

The Singapore Awakening Trees project, in sheets of A3, with a new model. The Singapore Sport tower project will not be pinned up until next week.

To celebrate the end of the semester, we went out for an 'English', i.e. meet in the pub, some beer, fish and chips, then go to an FA Cup football match! Forest had tickets at £10 a head so it was very affordable!

DNC and Lucia and Chris, Chuxie and Chang. The Indian students decided at last minute to fly to India for a short holiday, so their tickets were given to friends. It was raining all evening, and unfortunately, the score was 0-0 against Preston.... although it would have been worse if it was 0-1, with Preston winning!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Our next Tall Building site!

22 Jan 2014: We are planning the next project to be on the iconic site of the Shell Centre next to Waterloo Station and right behind the London Eye! This is an excellent aerial photo. More about this for the next four months!