Sunday, July 29, 2012

the 'Jacobs density' effect

29 July 2012: The Wall St Journal has published an interesting article by Richard Florida discussing Urban density. The 'Jacobs' effect is named after the writer Jane Jacobs who argued that density can bring people together and the interaction can lead to richer urban life.
He is saying that it isnt enough just to built tall and increase density mechanically, looking just for numbers.
   Some of the best innovation has come from Silicon Valley, the epitome of low density Californian suburbia. But innovation also comes from London and New York which have moderately dense centres, but which also attract talent and have a vivacious and complex culture. Parts of Shanghai are approaching 125,000 people per square mile, but this does not automatically lead to innovation if people are stacked like eggs in labelled boxes on shelves.
   This underlines the ethos of our MArch in Sustainable Tall Buildings - that the students should strive to understand Culture, Context and Climate. In their design, they must have a Concept for a building that will encourage mixed use, complex urban-human interactions, with plenty of social spaces and a lively ground plane. 

Friday, July 13, 2012

Graduation day

Graduation 2012: Architecture students lining up to walk past the Chancellor.
Friday 13th July 2012: Graduation day for the BArch, Diploma and MEng and a few PhD students. None of our Masters are involved because their special day is coming in December 2012.  The photo above includes Sam Holt who is a graduating 6th year, and took part in both our TB studio semesters in 2010-2011. His design for New York was my favourite, and I am sorry it wasnt chosen to be at Prague for the Isover finals. However, it was at the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition of 2011!
    It was an extra special day for our course and studio because Phil Oldfield now becomes Dr Phil Oldfield! He completed his PhD in the spring, and graduated today. Sorry for not getting a picture of him in the official gown and hat! Here is a photo of Phil's family visiting the TB Studio Summer Exhibition in Paton house.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Exhibition visitors

end-June 2012: We have the TB exhibition open in the day and had a lot of visitors on the 21st June, the day of the school barbecue. Alumni and parents get invited to take part.

Enjoy the video..... 30 seconds of pictures and music!
Animoto Video of the Exhibition

 Thursday 21st June and we all feel cheerful as it's the end of term, and everyone has done well! (Pelin and DNC in the frame).
Udayan Jain's parents visited England and Scotland for a week or two, and had time to drop into our exhibition and meet the tutors and see all the work. I apologise to them for all the rain that they have found here.