14 November 2013: Paul Simovic of the global architectural practice KPF (Kohn Pedersen Fox) spent the day with us for tutorials, one week before an interim crit stage. Here, Paul examines the design of Khushboo and Harsh (Sing-HK). There is an astonishing amount on the wall! It is a Sports centre, and as the ideas have deepened, the ground plane has acquired a full size football pitch. Can this become a multi use stadium with a cluster of tall buildings above?

Hemant and Sanjiv (Sing-SH) have a new model: four linked towers, and abolished the old podium

All the Masters groups have moved from models to drawings: it is a tough leap to make, but must be done. Even if plans are not right today, they will be better next week. There is a lot of detail planning in there!

Sing-ZCC have last week's models, and some drawings on drafting paper. Doesn't seem much more than a week ago, so they need a talking to!

As we look deeper into it, we can find ways to improve the core and plans of the Sing-ZCC project.

Paul draws out a schematic diagram of how the cores and floor plates could be organised for ZCC

Rotterdames have a new model and lots of drawings - every week, we see improvements on the original good idea

There is now a pair of linked vertical farms dominating the south facades (photo is from the north)

Haniyyah is planning a performing arts centre at Tianjin, and as the thought is planted, we work to make it more meaningful. It is difficult to imagine this when the Binhai area has no population, no traffic and no culture at this moment in time - but we have to take a very long term view.

Alex has a very interesting idea for a large vertical tube that flushes polluted city air through an electrostatic dust collector. The tall building accommodation is built around this.

Philip has a stepping back vertical farm for pharmaceutical plants, and we are urging him to make it bigger and more ambitious

Phil, Yuri and Michael Photiou are gathered round considering Guilia's idea for a stack of three schools, for all ages from primary to age 18.

After a long tutoring day, it's time to take Paul back to the station. Unusually, we did not encounter a single hold up on the way, and Paul was delivered to the station with record speed. It's been an excellent day for all concerned (two of the fifth year students were unable to attend).
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