30 Sept '10: Mandar writes: Today, we all sat and had the deadly duo (DNC and Phil) explain us about the intricacies of designing tall buildings and briefed us about the coursework. I would say you guys are quite lucky for having to aim for a open architectural design project. I have worked on design competitions and its not easy and cheap. You guys have the best opportunity to score brownie points and help build a great portfolio and a CV to aim for a good job once out of the University. So consider this module to be very important.

Weekends are for going to cities of UK. The country side is the nicest and most charming. Travel as much you can. Join the travel society as they take you to most cities nearby. Travelling around UK will help you come to terms with the life in UK.
[Editor's Note: Thanks Mandar for your recommendations. Actually you also wrote a lot of useful tips to the students in an email about preparation for the trip, reading, the right clothes and food for the day, etc. Thankyou for your caring.]